The Diary of Anne Frank
Occurs on
Sunday March 3 2024
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Event Notes
Tickets are reserved seating.
$24.50 for adults $21.00 for seniors 55+ $19.00 for students age 13+
Please look in each production's description for information about age appropriateness and theme notes when purchasing for children or students.
When ordering online, select the total number of tickets needed first; you can select the discount needed for each person in your party on the following screen after seats are assigned.
Call the Emerson Ticket Office, 214-544-4630, for group discount information.
In this transcendently powerful new adaptation by Wendy Kesselman, Anne Frank emerges from history a living, lyrical, intensely gifted young girl, who confronts her rapidly changing life and the increasing horror of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination. An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter, their grief. Each day of these two dark years, Anne's voice shines through: "When I write I shake off all my cares. But I want to achieve more than that. I want to be useful and bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!" This is a new adaptation for a new generation. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements and suggested violence.
The free student ticket program for "The Diary of Anne Frank" is being sponsored by HEB.
Shows in the MRT 2023-2024 Season:
Clue by Jonathan Lynn; Oct. 6-7 and 13-14, 2023
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol as adapted by McKinney's own Dr. Andrew Harris; Nov. 24-25 and Dec. 8-9, 2023
The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman; March 1-2 and 8-9, 2024
Weinstock & Gilbert's Catch Me If You Can ; May 3-4 and 10-11, 2024
Forever Plaid by Stuart Ross; July 26-27, Aug 2-3 and 9-10, 2024
$24.50 for adults $21.00 for seniors 55+ $19.00 for students age 13+
Please look in each production's description for information about age appropriateness and theme notes when purchasing for children or students.
When ordering online, select the total number of tickets needed first; you can select the discount needed for each person in your party on the following screen after seats are assigned.
Call the Emerson Ticket Office, 214-544-4630, for group discount information.
In this transcendently powerful new adaptation by Wendy Kesselman, Anne Frank emerges from history a living, lyrical, intensely gifted young girl, who confronts her rapidly changing life and the increasing horror of her time with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination. An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter, their grief. Each day of these two dark years, Anne's voice shines through: "When I write I shake off all my cares. But I want to achieve more than that. I want to be useful and bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!" This is a new adaptation for a new generation. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements and suggested violence.
The free student ticket program for "The Diary of Anne Frank" is being sponsored by HEB.
Shows in the MRT 2023-2024 Season:
Clue by Jonathan Lynn; Oct. 6-7 and 13-14, 2023
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol as adapted by McKinney's own Dr. Andrew Harris; Nov. 24-25 and Dec. 8-9, 2023
The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich & Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman; March 1-2 and 8-9, 2024
Weinstock & Gilbert's Catch Me If You Can ; May 3-4 and 10-11, 2024
Forever Plaid by Stuart Ross; July 26-27, Aug 2-3 and 9-10, 2024