Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
Occurs on
Friday April 4 2025
Approximate running time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Event Notes
Tickets are general admission, $25.75 for adults/seniors and $19.75 for children ages 3-12.
The World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family-oriented blend of the unique comedy and juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the talents of his furry costars. A native of Kiev, Ukraine, Gregory is a trained clown and a world record-setting juggler who personally trains the dogs and cats in the show, each one rescued from animal shelters and given a new leash on life. Featuring stunning animal tricks, Gregory's unique comedy and juggling, and performances by European-style clowns and balancing acts, this 90-minute show is fantastic fun for the whole family!
Presented by McKinney Performing Arts Center with support from our generous sponsors:
McKinney Community Development Corporation
Emerson Automation Solutions
and Sheraton McKinney
The World Famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family-oriented blend of the unique comedy and juggling skills of Gregory Popovich and the talents of his furry costars. A native of Kiev, Ukraine, Gregory is a trained clown and a world record-setting juggler who personally trains the dogs and cats in the show, each one rescued from animal shelters and given a new leash on life. Featuring stunning animal tricks, Gregory's unique comedy and juggling, and performances by European-style clowns and balancing acts, this 90-minute show is fantastic fun for the whole family!
Presented by McKinney Performing Arts Center with support from our generous sponsors:
McKinney Community Development Corporation
Emerson Automation Solutions
and Sheraton McKinney